September 13, 2016

A Night To Remember in Baguio

First night of four in Baguio. I have been striding along Session Road, up, down, even the side streets.  I planned on going back to the condo before night hits yet here I am, stranded in the most famous street in the city. Is it really this hard to get a ride?

My phone clock says it’s past 8. It also says it has been raining for minutes now as visible on the droplets on screen; and I don’t even bother to find shelter. I wanna get a cab. I wanna go home. Now.

In Manila, I’d normally get stuck in traffic but within the comfort inside my car. Here, I went up by bus. That means no car for the sheltered Jewels. Two options: cab or jeep. Of course, I’d choose a cab! It would cost me more but for security reasons I’d choose the former.

Surrounded by hundreds of people, I don’t know a soul. I clinch into my smartphone in my left hand, my DSLR in another, laptop in my backpack. Am I safe? Will I get back in the condo in one piece? Admittedly, this is the first time I am experiencing this kind of fear. Yeah, I am not alone in this street; but I am all alone with myself. How many are we really, afraid, asking the same question: Can I trust the person next to me?

Being in this situation made me realise that for (almost) 27 years of my life, I am fortunate to have responsible parents, who made our family a shelter; a safe haven we kids can turn to not just in times of fear; but made it available every single day of our lives. How many people can actually say this? Maybe many, but I’m sure not all.

Great, it starts to rain even harder. And oh, did I mention that I never carry an umbrella? Clothes wet. Hair wet. Bag wet. Sandals wet (I hate when my feet are wet! :p) Fear has left my consciousness. I am more eager to get a cab. Because of the rain, there are just less of us hailing a cab. Soon enough (How soon is soon? This could mean 30 mins later. I lost my sense of time) I find an empty one. BEST. FEELING. EVER. Well, one of the best.

Comfortably sitting in the cab. With a sense of relief, I make a mental note to self: Don’t ever forget that feeling of being scared. It will happen again, many many times, and in different circumstances. But most importantly never forget that you made it through. If Fear is a Pokemon, it’s evolution is Courage.

Three more nights to go. Keep you posted here. ;)


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