November 1, 2013


For me, the best way to spend chilly mornings in Baguio is by waking up extra early. Get up at around 5:30-ish, put on your fave sweater and walking shoes. Get to Burnham Park as fast as you can! Experience the morning sun! Savor the view! Good morning, Baguio!

WALK or RUN — Just like here in Manila, people in Baguio also love running as their exercise. They have no excuse: the view is just incomparably wow; and the temperature is just perfect!

In our case, Manny and I weren’t prepared for any kind of running activity, waking up and going to Burnham Park first thing in the morning was kinda spontaneous. All I had written in our itinerary were places where I wanted to eat. Flop! We had no running shoes in our luggage. But it was already fun enough just strolling around, HHWW style (holding hand while walking)! LOL.

SIT and SIGHT-SEEING — Burnham Park reminded me of Central Park in New York. I’ve never been there, but seeing it in the movies made me feel like I’ve been there too, you know. Haha. 

(Captured this photo using just my iPhone then post-processed with VSCO cam)

I shall dub Baguio as a photographer’s haven! Just the way the morning sun hits the trees, how it casts shadows on the ground and reflects on the water, how the light peeps thru the trees.. OH just lovely and brings out the poet in me. Naks! But, my photos actually don’t give justice to its resplendent reality. You have to be there to really experience what I felt.

For some reason, I felt so blessed to be there. That maybe somehow, I belong there. Like a calling of some sort.

Half of the time we were both silent, maybe just awed with how wonderful this place is; how this cold breeze and this amazing sun brings out the best mood in every soul here in Baguio’s Burnham Park.

So the next time you’re in Baguio, don’t forget to include “morning walk at Burnham Park” to your itinerary. Now, I wonder how it looks like during sunset.  I really do have to come back to Baguio!!

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